Monday, October 19, 2009

Pear & Gorgonzola Salad

Here is perhaps my favorite salad of all time. Every once in a while I will pick up a hunk of gorgonzola cheese and go on a binge. I have made this salad for many a Thanksgiving dinner, fancy lunch, or midnight snack.

Gorgonzola is an Italian blue cheese, named for the small town near Milan where it is reported to have originated. The whole moldy cheese thing is always a little creepy, but gorgonzola's
creamy & pungent flavor just works.

To make this salad even cooler, I stumbled upon Sekel pears yesterday. I have never bought them before, but they are so cute, I couldn't resist! They are about the size of a tangerine, maybe smaller.

This salad is great with any leafy greens, red onion, pecans or walnuts & a simple vinaigrette. Give it a try. It's so simple but the combination of sweet, salty & nutty flavors is perfect.


  1. I've had a version of this when the restaurant "Carelli's" was in Wailea, but yours sounds divine. Do you think Avocado would be good in it too?

  2. I saw those pears at Costco too, now I know what to do with them!!
    Very Helpful, thanks!

  3. I just used a couple last night for place-card holders on the dinner table. They are the perfect size for the plate!
