Monday, April 19, 2010

Kukkula Wines

I was on the Big Isle recently, you've been paying attention, right??? I was there to photograph a few kids for the Heart Gallery, a non profit organization where we photograph children in the Foster Care system who are in need of permanent families. I am lucky enough to get to spend some time with these kids, give them the stage all to them selves, so that they can shine & I can capture a beautiful image of them with the hopes to inspire someone who will see it to adopt or provide some stability for one of these kids.

So that's what I was really up to on the Big Island. It just so happens that I have some good friends over there and was able to make a weekend out of it. Sometimes after photographing these kids, I am filled with hope for their future but also a heaviness for all that they go through. So after finally finding the place, then spending some time photographing them, I realized I had a little bit of free time. But my phone battery was dying. What does this have to do with Kukkula wines, you ask? I'm getting there.

This was my first time to the Big Isle, so I didn't really know where I was. But alas, even hawaii has new shopping centers with Sports Authority & Target. So I pulled into such a place, hoping to find a Verizon Wireless store where I could beg them to plug in my phone for a few minutes. And of course, there was one! As it charged, I walked out to see what I could peruse and to my delight there was the Kona Wine Market right next door!!! As I walked in, I was invited to join in the Friday Tasting with Paula, wife of Winemaker, Kevin Jussila of Kukkula Wines. Well, I don't mind if I do...

The wines were all great, but when we came to the end, it was the Lothario that really got me. I was saying how "Tait's The Ballbuster" is my fave and the wine rep predicted I would love the Lothario. She was right. It is a Grenache/Mourvedre/Zinfandel combo that was so thick & juicy you almost need to chew. I love that in a wine.

I had a great time and left with a bottle for my friends who i stayed with and one for my night at the B&B. You can find out more about the Jussil's, their farm & their wines at: I know if I'm ever in Paso Robles, a trip to the winery will certainly be on my list of things to do! Until then, I am happy to learn that my favorite wine shops here in Hawaii carry their wines!

So... I was fortunate enough to be able to do what I do with the kids there & also to stumble upon this little gem. Life is beautiful.

"With bread & wine you can walk your road"" ~Spanish Proverb

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