All you need to do is chop some onion, garlic, celery, carrots & potatoes and saute them with some olive oil & salt & pepper. Chop up the chicken and add that to the pan. Throw in some green peas, chopped herbs and about a Tbs. of flour. Cook for a minute or so and then add a cup (or more depending on how much you are making) of chicken stock or water. Cook until thickened.
If you're using a pie crust, place bottom crust in pie pan. Pour chicken mixture into your pan & top with whichever crust you're going with. Brush top with oil or some cream to help it to brown in the oven. If you use a pie crust, poke a few holes in the top too.
Bake until golden. Beware of molten lava hot filling if you eat it too soon!
O YUM! My daughter loves phylo pasty best with it, but I love my home made pastry!