1. What food do you bring with you on the trails?
K: Sandwiches
M: Cliff Bars, granola bars
J: Sandwiches, energy bars, chips
C: A snadwich made with Nutella & Bananas
2. What is your favorite beer?
K: Sam Adams - Winter Lager
M: Boundary Bay IPA
J: New Belgium Brewing 1550
C: Rogue Hazelnut Brown
3. What is your favorite post-ride meal?
K: Lasagna
M: Gourmet Pizza
J: Spaghetti
C: A big, tasty burger with beer
4. How much water do you drink while riding?
K: 20 oz/Hr.
M: 2 cans of PBR... or 40-60 oz. water
J: 1-2 "leters"
C: I've never counted, I just drink to fight off thirst
5. Can you cook? What's your specialty?
K: Does spaghetti with cold sauce count? I don't need to, my girlfriend is a crazy cook!
M: Meat, Chicken, Fish, all on the grill
J: Yes, Fajitas
C: Tacos, steaks on the grill, traditional Ceasar salad (no anchovies)
6. What is your favorite hot sauce?
K: Tapatio & Chipotle Tobasco
M: Ass Pucker... Name says it all!
J: "Chalula"
C: Cholula or Sriracha (rooster sauce) it's a toss up
7. Do you have any food phobias?
K: Not if I'm hungry enough, but I'm not a big fan of fish. Except ahi sushi
M: Egg plant, Bad tofu
J: No
C: Spoiled Poke
8. Can food be sexy? If so, which foods?
K: Yes. Riches sauces are sexy
M: Hmmmmmm, colorful presentation but not sexy
J: Yes, chocolate syrup
C: Yes, chocolate
9. What was your favorite food as a kid?
K: Spaghettios
M: Pizza or Chicken Nuggets, can't remember
J: Pizza
C: Pizza
10. Have you ever worn an apron?
K: An apron or JUST an apron? Yes, I used to work at a sandwich shop
M: In the bike shop, at the grill AND in the kitchen
J: No
C: Yes, a big rubber one for washing dishes in Army boot camp
"Think of bicycles as rideable art that can just about save the world".
~Grant Petersen
For a bunch of smelly bikers, they have good taste in beer!
SB: I know!!! The first time I hung out with them I brought Corona! How embarrassing!!!